II. Evidence for an Iron-Rich Sun

Historical Info     Evidence     Conclusions

  Lighter mass (L) isotopes of He, Ne, Ar. Kr and Xe are enriched in the solar wind (SW) relative to the heavier (H) ones [1; see p. 281 in ref. 2**] by a common mass-fractionation factor,

where   f = (mH/mL)4.56

  When this empirical power law [1] is applied to photospheric abundances, the most abundant elements in the un-fractionated Sun appear to be Fe, Ni, O, Si, S, Mg and Ca [p. 283] - the same elements Harkins [3] found to comprise 99% of ordinary meteorites.   Light isotopes of He, Ne, Mg and Ar are systematically less enriched in solar flares, as if these energetic events by-pass about 3.4 stages of mass-fractionation [4] [p. 282].   Heavy elements are also methodically enriched in material ejected by impulsive solar flares [5].   The prevalence of SW-implanted Li-6 and Be-10 in lunar soils [6,7] confirm that coronal ejecta do not reflect the bulk solar composition.

  Linked isotopic and elemental variations [8,9] in meteorites first hinted that elements from deep in a supernova (SN) formed the interiors of the Sun and the terrestrial planets [pp. 593, 601].   Primordial He accompanies Xe-X, with excess Xe-136 and Xe-124 (ref. 10), but not "normal" xenon from inside [8,9,11,12] the SN [p. 603].   Support for a SN origin of the solar system [p. 593] came from findings of a) excess r- and p-products in other heavy elements [13] trapped with Xe-X [p. 361]; b) complimentary isotopic components enriched in s-products [14; ref. 2 p. 380, 619]; c) age dating [15] based on extinct [pp. 616-617] and longer-lived [pp. 490-491] nuclides; d) terrestrial-type xenon [16] in FeS of diverse meteorites, in the Fe,S-rich planets (Earth and Mars), and in the solar wind, where light isotopes are enriched by 3.5% per mass unit [1; ref. 2 p. 623]; and e) despite poor quality data, the presence of Xe-X in Jupiter [17; ref. 2 p. 519, 527] and isotopes of H and He that could not be converted into those seen in the solar wind by D-burning [pp. 529-543].

  ** All page numbers in brackets [ ] are in ref. 2, Proceedings of the 1999 symposium organized by Glenn T. Seaborg and Oliver K. Manuel.   See http://www.wkap.nl/book.htm/0-306-46562-0

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